
【歌詞・和訳】 Billy Joel - Honesty 【+動画】【+語彙】

If you search for tenderness, it isn't hard to find.
 もし優しさを求めているのなら、 見つける事は 難しくない。
You can have the love you need to live.
 生きていく為に必要な愛は 持てる。
But if you look for truthfulness, you might just as well be blind.
 でも もし誠実を求めるのなら、 盲目なのと変わらない。
It always seems to be so hard to give.
 (誠実を)与える事は いつもとても難しいみたい。
*tender: (【形】優しい)[adj;1] kind, gentle and loving
*truthful: (【形】誠実な)[adj;1] saying only what is true
*could/might just as well ...: (【熟】…するのも同じだ)[idm;] used to say that you/sb would been in the same position if you had done sth else, because you got little benefit or enjoyment from what you did do
*blind: (【形】目の見えない)[adj;1] not able to see

Honesty is such a lonely word.
 誠実とは なんて寂しい言葉か。
Everyone is so untrue.
 全員 とても不誠実だ。
Honesty is hardly ever heard.
 誠実とは なんて寂しい言葉か。
And mostly what I need from you.
 そして(誠実は) 大体 貴方から必要としているものだ。
*honest: (【形】正直な)[adj;1] always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating
*lonely: (【形】寂しい)[adj;1] unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to
*such: (【形】なんと)[det;3] used to emphasize the great degree of sth
*untrue: (【形】不誠実な)[adj;2] not loyal to sb/sth
*hardly: (【副】ほとんど…ない)[adv;1] almost no; almost not; almost none
*ever: (【副】これまでに)[adv;1] used in negative sentences and questions, or sentences with if to mean 'at any time'
*mostly: (【副】主に)[adv;] mainly; generally

I can always find someone to say they sympathize.
 私は いつも 同情していると言う人を 見つけられる。
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve.
But I don't want some pretty face to tell me pretty lies.
 でも 聞こえの良い嘘を言う可愛い顔は 欲しくない。
All I want is someone to believe.
 必要としているのは 信じられる人だけ。
*sympathize: (【動】同情する)[v;1] to feel sorry for sb; to show that you understand and feel sorry about sb's problems
*wear your heart on your sleeve: (【熟】自分の心の内を皆に分からせる)[idm;] to allow your feeling to be seen by other people
*sleeve: (【名】そで)[n;1] a part of a piece of clothing that covers all or part of your arm
*pretty: (【形】見事な)[adj;2] attractive and pleasant to look at or to listen to without being large, beautiful or impressive


I can find a lover. I can find a friend.
 恋人を見つけられる。 友達を見つけられる。
I can have security until the bitter end.
 最後まで何とか 安心感は持てる。
Anyone can comfort me with promises again.
 また 誰かが 約束する事で 慰めてくれる。
I know, I know.
 分かっている、 分かっている。
*security: (【名】安心感)[n;4] the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry
*until the bitter end: (【熟】苦難の果ての結末まで)[idm] continuing until you have done everything you can, or until sth is completely finished, despite difficulties and problems
*comfort: (【動】慰める)[v;] to make sb who is worried or unhappy feel better by being kind and sympathetic towards them

When I'm deep inside of me, don't be too concerned.
 私が心の深く内側に居る時は、 あまり心配しないで。
I won't ask for nothing while I'm gone.
 (心の内側に)行ってしまっている間は、 私は何も望まない。
But when I want sincerity, tell me where else can I turn.
 でも 誠実を望む時は、 何処を向けばいいのか 教えてよ。
Because you're the one I depend upon.
 なぜなら 貴方は 私が頼る事の出来る人なのだから。
*concerned: (【形】心配している)[adj;1] worried and feeling concern about sth
*sincere: (【形】誠実な)[adj;1] showing what you really think or feel


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